Puppy and Adolescence Dog Training in Dorking

COVID-19 lockdown has meant that we have had to change our approach at Dorking Puppy Training as obviously we cannot run our physical 7 week courses for puppy and adolescent dog training.
Obviously new puppies and young dogs still need to be trained so we have taken the training online – we have already had amazing feedback on how it works.
You can start your 6 weeks of video lessons at any time, with new course work being sent to you each Monday. A real advantage of videos is you can rewatch them at anytime, 24 hours a day. In addition, you can contact Claire with any isssues you are having and even send her videos of your dog so she can give you specific instructions on a 1-2-1 basis.
Because we do not have the costs of hiring a hall we have reduced the cost of each of the courses to £80. Click here to book the puppy life skills course and the adolescence dog training course.
Claire is an accredited scent work UK instructor and is offering a 4 week online scent work course, please call 07513 909330 for more information and to book. During lockdown this is the perfect opportunity to offer your dog this kind of enrichment.
Claire Murdoch is a professional dog trainer that has been taught to teach with APDT force and intimidation free methods, She also regularly completes courses with Canine Principles which are all accredited by UK Rural Skills Ltd.